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¢Ã What is Cordyceps Sinensis?
Literally it means summer grass, winter worm(living in the body of caterpillar in winter and appearing in shape of grass in summer).
The wild cordyceps or caterpillar mushroom is native to high mountains of China-Qinghai, Tibetan Autonomous Region(TAR) and Yunnan, and the Himalayas at the height of 3,000~4,000 meters above the sea.
Cordyceps was regarded as legendary mushroom to the general public, with its particularly difficult cultivation and little production and gathering in the wild.
Long esteemed as the elixir of life, Cordyceps, which contains fatty, amino and nucleic acids, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to promote longevity and endurance, and to treat respiratory problems.
Especially, its traditional uses include treatment of chronic bronchitis, cough, asthma, allergies, diabetes, anemia, debility following illness, impotence, pulmonary tuberculosis with bloody sputum, jaundice, and constipation.
Some recent pharmacological researches show that Cordyceps also boosts immune system and can be used as anti-cancer medicine as well as an antidote. As a result, it is widening its application to medicinal poisoning and drug addiction.
Benefits of Cordyceps Sinensis
• Ongevity: Stop cough, reduce phlegm, speed recovery from exhaustion, and expand capillary vessels to have elasticity.
• Energizing: Increase endurance, tonify both the Yin and Yang, and improve sexual performance.
• Nourishing Kidneys
• Anti-cancer effects: Promote immune system and
metabolism to suppress cancer growth and transfer.
• Athletic Ability: Help recovery of heart rates after exercise, promote body functions and decrease fatigue, inhibiting blood lactic acid concentration. |

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